What to do When Faced with Dodge Ram Transmission Failure 1

Understanding Transmission Failure

Transmission failure is a major issue that is common among Dodge Ram trucks, particularly those produced between 2007 and 2012. The transmission system is responsible for moving power to the wheels of the truck from its engine. When it fails, the truck’s drive system comes to a halt, rendering it immobile.

Transmission failure could be due to several reasons, including overheating, low transmission fluid levels, worn-out clutch, damaged or worn-out gears, and damaged torque converter to name a few. Signs of a failing transmission are rough shifting, slipping, sudden downshifting, strange noises, and delayed engagement when shifting.

Immediate Steps to Take When Faced with Dodge Ram Transmission Failure

When faced with a transmission failure, you need to take some critical steps to protect yourself and your truck.

  • Safety first: If you are driving and the transmission fails, pull over at the nearest safe place, and turn off the truck. Do not attempt to drive it any further as it can cause more damage to the transmission and can be dangerous for you and other drivers on the road.
  • Contact a specialist: Your next step should be to call a specialist in Dodge Ram truck repair such as your preferred Dodge Ram authorized service center, an independent repair shop, or a mobile mechanic. You may also choose to contact a towing service to have your truck towed to the nearest repair shop.
  • Do not attempt to fix it yourself: Your Dodge Ram truck’s transmission system is technical and intricate. It is advisable not to attempt to fix it yourself unless you are experienced with transmission repairs. Attempting to repair it could lead to additional damage to the transmission system, possibly leading to more money being spent on repairs.
  • Repairing or Replacing the Dodge Ram Transmission

    Once you have contacted a specialist, they will determine whether your transmission can be repaired or if it must be replaced. In some cases, a simple repair may suffice, while in others, an entire replacement may be necessary.

    The cost of repairing or replacing your Dodge Ram transmission may vary depending on the extent of the damage, and the complexity of the repair process. The cost of replacement and repairs may be high, but it is necessary to maintain the life and longevity of your truck.

    Preventing Dodge Ram Transmission Failure

    Prevention, they say, is better than cure. It is common knowledge that maintaining your truck helps extend its life and prevent unnecessary breakdowns. Here are some tips to prevent Dodge Ram transmission failure:

  • Regular & Proper Maintenance: Basic maintenance, including checking the transmission fluid level regularly, changing transmission fluid and filters as recommended in the maintenance schedule, and scanning the system through an OBDII scanner to check for codes will help in maintaining your transmission system.
  • Driving Safely: Avoid overloading your truck, towing heavy loads outside of the recommended weight, revving the engine unnecessarily, rapid acceleration or harsh driving, as these can put a strain on the transmission system and cause damage.
  • Using Quality Auto Parts: The use of genuine and high-quality auto parts helps in preventing transmission failure. Using inferior parts or parts not designed for your truck may cause damage to the system over time.
  • Conclusion

    Dealing with Dodge Ram transmission failure can be a daunting and frustrating experience. With the proper understanding and immediate steps, you can minimize the damage and cost of repairs. Maintenance is the most critical preventive measure you can take to extend the life of your Dodge Ram transmission system and avoid unnecessary transmission failure. Dive deeper into the topic and reveal additional insights in this specially selected external resource. ram transmissions https://www.caconversions.com/dodge-ram-transmissions, explore new details and perspectives about the subject covered in the article.

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